Match two cells to find and display a cell
Please view Calc file for example
Test file 06-20-2023.ods (12.8 KB)
Match two cells to find and display a cell
Please view Calc file for example
Test file 06-20-2023.ods (12.8 KB)
e.g.: =INDEX(D7:I10;MATCH(C1;$B$7:$B$10;0);MATCH(C2;D6:I6;0))
Test file 06-20-2023_1.ods (15,9 KB)
Thank U!!!
Would u be able to highlight the cell where the data was located?
Thank U, please excuse my ignorance on conditional formatting, not sure how you did this.
Click Format > Conditional > Manage and in the dialogue that opens click the Edit button to see how the condition was created.
There is a help button on the dialogue but also the The Calc Guide downloadable from English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides will have information in a more structured way.
Thank U!!!