hello @stmoose,
this is a try for a ‘kiss’ solution, not sure if it works (in all cases),
!!! make a backup to not to break things !!!,
select an area completely! covering the referenced range, (mousedrag or shift-cursor),
go to the desired target sheet / location,
it’s magic, in some / most cases calc automagically adapts all formulas as needed,
beware! imho it doesn’t work for move to other files,
undo - ctrl-z - has shortcomings after such action (which is a bug imho), organize not to be dependent of it!,
re-cutting and re-pasting to the original area looked to work,
not extensively tested, just tried and looked working, try yourself …
if it works for you you may analyse the adapted formulas to learn how to formulate yourself in the future …
P.S. ‘solved marks’ and ‘likes’ welcome,
click the grey circled hook - ✓ - top left to the answer to turn it green if the problem is solved,
click the “^” above it if you ‘like’ the answer,
“v” if you don’t,
do not! use ‘answer’ to add info to your question, either edit the question or add a comment,
‘answer’ only if you found a solution yourself …