Math: unable to enter special characters ^ and accute symbol (for inserting space)

I experience a problem regarding entering a formula using Math formula editor. Probably since version 7.2 I am unable to enter the ^ character for exponentiation into the math edit area (same for the accute character ` for adding space). After hitting that key and the space key only an “space” character is displayed.
Outside the edit area (in writer itself) this is not a problem at all. At the moment I can help myself by copying and pasting these characters into the edit area of math (either standalone document or inserted via Insert → Object).

This was working with version 7.1 (confirmed via a snap package with version 7.1)

Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
Installation method: flatpak

Any ideas?


Why did you switch to flatpak (the comparison with snap - package is a bit invalid)?

No problem here on openSUSE 15.3 using

Version: / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 9a9c6381e3f7a62afc1329bd359cc48accb6435b
CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 5.3; UI render: default; VCL: kf5 (cairo+xcb)
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US; Calc: threaded

Unfortunatly the package manager does offer only version 6.x therefore I switched to flatpak which is up to date

Unfortunatly the package manager does offer only version 6.x therefore I switched to flatpak which is up to date

That’s true only, if you stick with the base repositories added to the package manager during time of installation. The native .deb package way on Ubuntu is using Launchpad PPA (which is still delivering 7.1.5). However, this is my opinion based on disliking snap and flatpak, which install software apart from the operating system’s package manager (which is apt / deb on Debian based GNU/Linux distros). Personally I have plenty to know, if focusing on one tool to manage software in a system.

Depending on your preferences you have the following choices:

  • You want the “bleeding edge” release (aka “fresh”-release)
    add repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa using command
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
    ( which delivers version on Ubuntu 20.04 as of today)

  • You want the “slight older but more mature” release (aka “still”-release)
    add repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-still using command
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-still
    ( which delivers version on Ubuntu 20.04 as of today)

In addition:

You may try to use ^+^ (and if that works, you probably do not use a keyboard layout with “no dead keys”)

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Thanks, I am aware of all these options.
These characters work everywhere as usual so the keyboard layout is fine.

The problem exists only with snap and flatpak installations. Native .deb packages work perfectly.