Matrix Labels

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to label the columns and rows of a matrix in Math, exactly like the way shown in the following picture.

Thanks very much!

(The same request was posted in another forum:

If you post a request/question in more than one forum, please always cross-link the posts. Edited by Lupp)

Seems possible,

Math documentation:

We have another image-attacher?

And another suggestion:

stack{" "#left none phantom stack{f#g#h#i#j} right (}
stack{" "#left ) ~stack{f#g#h#i#j} right none}

I have put the horizontal label into the matrix, so that they align with different column widths. The “phantom” is needed to get the bracket scaled.

Indeed, “matrix” and “stack” have different vertical spacing.
87348 – stack-like objects (matrix - binom - stack) should be vertically aligned the same way. So here a solution with label as matrix.
image description

@Regina : I had suggested a sulution(?) in the other forum (link above!). Therefore I also tested yours. It is promising, using a construct I did not know till today. However I find two flaws (LibO5.0.3 on Win8): (1) The vertical “label” column does not align correctly with respect to the rows of the matrix. (2) If i prefix a alignr to everything the numbers >=0 get right aligned as I intended. Negative numbers are misaligned 1 digit width to the left. Do you know the reason?

For the wrong alignment of negative numbers see 120304 – Bad alignment inside math matrices and