Mendeley referencing

I found error message on Writer while referencing using Mendeley. I am using Mendeley 1.19.8 and Libreoffice The message is
Error: Argument is not optional. Additional information:
Message: Mendeley Citation Style_2
At line: 1058

Error: Argument is not optional.
At line: 1058

Please let me know how to sort out this problem.

You use third party software to generate content. I guess without further information it is impossible to solve this even for the author of Mendeley-Software…

If you expect help:
Ask at Mendeley they may have the fitting source.
Create a minimum sample document so someone can check, what is in the document
To even check, what is happening one should look at the named line in the source-code.

Was this working with LibreOffice 7.2 ??

Additionally, in this specific case, a screenshot of the failing code in Basic IDE could help to identify the error in Mendeley. There was a fix of improper handling of missing arguments in 7.3, which might have discovered a bug in their integration.

BTW, Error in citation insertion using Mendeley desktop mentions the same line 1058. There’s info missing at tdf#142572.

Same in 7.2 version

From this and the links given by mikekaganski it seems not to be a problem of the fresh 7.3 version.

How was your file created? Directly in LibreOffice or is it also a converted MS-Office file like in the bug-report? If it came from .doc/.docx it may be a bug or incompatibility during conversion, or the vesions of Mendeley differ between Office-Suites…

Can you provide sample files with this error? I can’t promise, we will find the error, but at the current situation we have not even a point to start. If the file started as .doc/docx please provide this also to compare the versions before and after conversion.

I created the document in LibreOffice itself.
It is not allowing me to upload larger size file here. Please find the downloadable link as below:
Thanks for your kind response.

It cause by wrong steps.

  1. Insert the citation in place as you needed (use insert citation button)
  2. Insert the bib in the reference part of your document (use insert bibliography)
  3. Next time you insert cite, it will automatically update the reference part