Menu bar missing

I have a desktop intel win10 latest and LO 5.4 and everything including menu bar is displaying and working perfectly. So bought a brand new dell xps 15, win10, intel kaby lake, and LO 5.4 and for days now I cannot make LO display the menu bar correctly. It displays the icons which are mislabeled and I tried options, view and the options are grayed out. I am kind of desperate so any help is appreciated.

Some have found this is caused by the OpenGL setting. Try Tools → Options → View → uncheck “Use OpenGL for all rendering”

Something like this :

This worked perfectly - Thank you! Just a note - without the menus you cannot get to Tools so easily. Alt-F12 should get you there.

Open Libra office in safe mode from
Start-> Libra office → Libra office (safe mode)
Check Disable openGL/OpenCL in dialogue box that appear