Migrating apt install configs to snap install

I have a an libreoffice 7.6 apt install on ubuntu 20.04. I would like to use the most recent version of libreoffice, and for that I have to switch to a snap install.
However, I have a lot of custom configuration that I want to migrate to the snap install.
I tried copying my files from ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user to ~/snap/current/.config but it did not work (I still have the default settings).

Do you know how to do this ?

Assuming your Architecture is just »x86-64« … you should simply use the deb-packages directly from libreoffice instead of creepy snaps!

Tools>Options>Paths… should give you a hint about the current profile folder.
Nevertheless, snap packages have many disadvantages.

Thanks I did not think of this solution.
Could you elaborate about why I should not use snaps ?

Ubuntu always tries to create strange »things« of its own.
snap is one of them.
If you want a container format use the more widespread “flatpak”

OK. I’ve installed the 24 version via manual deb installs and my config has been correctly used.