Migrating from MS Word to Libreoffice [references not recognized]


Im trying to migrate over to Libreoffice from MS word. So far I have 1 issue when using .docx files with references/biblioagraphy originally made in MS word, where Libreoffice does not recognize the references so I cant reference any of the existing sources in the docx. When I refresh the document in Libreoffice, the MS word reference list gets changed from for example [1] Smith et al. 2009 to [1] (1). What is happening here? Is it possible to import all the MS word references i have as a xml file into libreoffice to sort this issue?

DOCX and ODF formats are based on different principles. They have a common intersection which can describe very simple documents. But any real-case one uses features outside the common set, e.g. chapter numbering or notes. Whatever is outside this set must be approximated by the conversion process. Unfortunately when saved back and reopened, these approximations are not the same as the orginal and incur new approximations. In the end, the cumulative effect is to damage beyond repair the document.

Bibliography is one advanced feature. It is implemented with non-typographical tools. It mean it is non only text processing to format and layout characters. It involves a database and an abstract model. Very frequently, what is provided by the suite is considered rudimentary and the bibliography is delegated to some third-party extension which adds to the problem.

Also, M$ Word lags miles behind LO Writer when it comes to structure semantically your text. Word is very poor regarding styles, with the consequence that everything beyond a paragraph is done through explicit individual formatting instead of referencing a style. This makes very difficult to guess the intended structure and is responsible for the conversion approximations.

I understand your worry about your documentation asset. But trying to manage .docx documents with Writer is doomed to cause you trouble in the long run. If you intend to drop Word, convert your documents to .odt first time you edit them. This may seem a hassle but it pays off, avoiding future problems. You nevertheless keep the possibility to export DOCX if your recipients think they can’t open ODF in Word (this is wrong, but M$ also implemented ODF in a “personal” way to keep their customers captive). Always work native in any application.

The conversion process is not easy if you want it perfect. It requires pasting your text as unformatted and recreating the formatting. So, do it only on the documents you know you’ll review a lot.

There are many differences between Word and Writer. Start by reading the Writer Guide, specially the chapter about styles. Styles are in the heart of Writer processing. They are omnipresent, contrary to Word. Avoid direct formatting as much as you can (even for bold or italic) if you want versatility, stability, reliability and power in your document. Styles allow to separate contents from appearance which you can’t do in Word and which direct formatting also prevents.

That said, I can’t tell what’s happening without a small sample file.

My Transition from MS-Office to LibreOffice

I see does this issue go both ways then? Can I work in odt, convert it to docx before getting it reviewed in word, make the suggested changes in LO post review using the new docx file and convert to PDF?

Alternatively, if I do all the work in odt and a word user opens it in word to review it, are there a lot of issues that will occure if its a “complicated” document with a lot of cross references, figures etc?

I think teamwork on documents should always be done with the same programme and the corresponding file format.
This should not be a problem, as LibreOffice can be downloaded free of charge by anyone.
Teamwork with complex documents in different file formats is not recommended.

Avoid this kind of mixed situations which leads to hell. Repetitive conversions between formats is the main cause of formatting loss and, in the extreme, loss of the document. Even if you opt for DOCX between you on Writer and your external co-workers, the simple fact of using Writer implies conversion when you open the document. The same holds if you opt for ODF and your co-workers open it in Word when the conversions will be on their side.

Follow @Hrbrgr’s advice: collaborative work = single application.

I see. This is such a shame as it makes it extremely hard to make the switch! So it would be a problem if I keep it to ODF in LO and MSW as well… So basically you are saying its not really a choice then. You have to use word if word is the default in the company then? I hate to ask on this forum ffor LO but is there another FOSS app that is fully compatible with docx and can replace MSW without issue?

To the best of my knowledge, no. DOCX specification is proprietary and confidential. What is know was collected through retro-engineering. It’s more a matter of guess than exact reconstitution of encoding. This is demonstrated by the numerous issues when you translate a document, not speaking of the huge conceptual differences.

Even if you could find another “more” compatible application, you’d face the same problems.

In my last company, I was the black sheep. My computer was “illegally” configured Linux + LibreOffice in a W$ + MS Office environment. Fortunately, those who designed the company templates were not typography experts and even less office-document gurus. Their templates were rather basic, akin to direct formatting in mechanical typewriter era. This made my use of LO Writer invisible. The problems shifted on the inability to format “professionally” the documents because of poor design choices. Since nearly everything was direct formatted, documents were “compatible” with both suites at cost of excessive sizes and therefore requirement on disk storage.

I see. Does these issue also occure if mixing other LO and MS apps like excel and powerpoint?

For example if a MS Excel sheet is beeing opened by LO?

Yes. You can “cross-open” ODF and XLSX spreadsheets, or Impress and PowerPoint presentations but exact operations when you leave the common intersection of standards is not guaranteed. It all depends on what features you used. For example, some Excel functions (with same purpose) have not excatly the same arguments.