Missing column in calc

I have a small .xlsx that was sent to me by another person. It opens perfectly in Excel. However, when opened in calc, column A is missing. I am currently using v7, but this error happened in v6 as well. I am attaching the problem file.


Does not work.xlsx


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Similar question: how do I show column a

There are three sheets. 3rd qtr is empty. 2nd qtr & 4th qtr all columns visible including Col A which is Seq No on both sheets.

Done using LO v7.0.1.2 from TDF on Ubuntu 20.04.1

left-click upper left corner of sheet (left to ‘B’, above ‘1’) - select all -, right-click any column header - e.g. ‘B’, from dialog select ‘show columns’, looks like ‘no effect’, but afterwards you can shift to the left and see an nearly empty column ‘A’,

P.S. ‘solved marks’ (click the grey circeled hook - ✓ - top left to the answer to turn it green) and ‘likes’ (click the upvote link - ^ - above it if you consider the answer ‘good’, - v - for the opposite) are welcome, please use the ‘answer’ button only! if you have an answer to the question, to add info edit the question or use comments,

Thanks. The solution does expose col A. However, there is still a problem. If you open the file in Excel, column A has value in rows 2-13. The values are sequential numbers starting with 1. When opened in calc, and expose column A with the above solution, rows 2-13 are blank.


I must be missing something here.

Using LO v7.0.1.2 from TDF on Ubuntu 20.04.1, I open the .xlxs file and this is what I see:

Tab 1:

Tab 2:

Tab 3:

No special attention needed. Just opened the file.

Possible bug in version you are using but for a different OS - Windows, MacOS?

possible bug? … or something new in ex$el, tried with LO,, ex$el 2010, all winx64, all open with hidden col. A in sheet3, it’s even defined as ‘hidden’ in the worksheet file
<col min="1" max="1" width="0" hidden="1" customWidth="1"/>
all needed ‘select all’ and ‘show columns’ to unhide col A, all have ‘Seq No’ in A1, all have A2:A13 empty … it’s narrowed down, let’s give it to the experts …

Another possibility - switch to Linux, not a problem here :slight_smile:
[accidental edit by newbie-02]

uupppsss - i’m allowed to edit your comment???
Linux - yeeaahhhhhh!!!
(but the bug should be investigated anyway)
[/accidental edit by newbie-02]


Take care with your new found ability! :slight_smile:

And yes, a bug is a bug.