Missing libreoffice-common when trying batch document conversions using headless option

I want to convert a number of docx files to RTF using the command line on Linux Mint 21.3. I tried using
soffice --headless --convert-to rtf *.docx. It returns a message saying I need to install libreoffice-common using sudo apt install libreoffice-common. The trouble is the version it would install is 7.3.7 (the one in the repos) but I am using version 24.2.5 which I installed from the tar.gz files downloaded from the official Libreoffice website.
Is there a way I can make it work properly with the version I have, please?
Many thanks.

Firstly double check that the version you’re calling is the 24.2.5

soffice --version

Secondly why did you not use the deb package instead of the tar.gz? Did you only install the SDK?

Why not use the LibreOffice Packaging main PPA? Surely, 24.2.5 will appear there in a couple of days.

If I try that, it says the same, I’m missing libreoffice-common. I can do it by supplying the full path to the soffice program. That confirms I’m using LibreOffice bffef4ea93e59bebbeaf7f431bb02b1a39ee8a59.
I did use the deb version which is a tar.gz that you extract. Once I’ve done that I go into each folder and do dpkg -i *.deb as admin. I’ve always used that method to get the very latest version rather than use the old ones in the repo.

The PPA is probably a good idea. If only I wasn’t so impatient. :rofl: