Moderation in forum?

Hello, sorry to post here, but there is no moderation or administrators here?
I came across “nicholas59” who seems to have gotten into the habit of insulting people on topics. and since it is a sentence and word name, it passes moderation. Impossible to report the posts, and by researching these publications I see that he has been doing so for several months without problems…

dans le menu en haut à droite, sélectionner Groupes pour trouver qui est modérateur.

Please, share the link posts.

@sophi will be interested in this feedback.

Elle a été contacté, avec les liens des posts concernés, merci

The other poster here seems to be the Francophone, not me :slight_smile:

English is my only language, but Google Translate is handy.

So to keep you informed, after sending an official moderation message last week, the person told me that he will behave. I now suspended him until the end of the month, he won’t be able to login and post. I hope that with the explanations I gave him, he will behave normally.
Let me know when he comes back if his interactions with others changed or not, if not, he will be excluded.
I’m sorry for what you had to support. I hope the forum is returning to this helpful and respectful place it used to be in all languages.
Cheers - Sophie

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