This is not a question so much as a warning. I recently updated to Mojave and had no apparent issues. Stupidly I switched on OpenCL in preferences as scrolling is jankie afterwhich the app requested a restart which I did without issue - my document reloaded without issue. No idea if this OpenCl adjustment could be related, it didn’t stick regardless.
However sometime between a system restart (I saved and quit Writer as usual) and finishing for the night my work from 2 days past is gone today. Autosave is activated as are track changes yet no evidence of these backups exist. I have been thrown into a document that appears to be current (get info in finder shows it as last saved yesterday). I’ve checked in Terminal and no other version, no backup or autosave exists.
If anyone can see something I’ve missed please let me know.
I am massively inconvenienced by this. Am going back to Word just because this kind of stress is killer for someone with hepatic fibrosis. Y’all been warned.