Working with libreoffice --version
LibreOffice 30(Build:2)
Large document, that I work with 3+ windows same time, arranged on the single desktop HD screen, tiled manually to my working settings.
I am much more costumed to work under text editors like subl, atom, code, using keyb shortcuts, navigation is pretty fast, most importantly, no title bars, space to focus on writing.
Viewing space is very dim and overcrowded in all user views I try, no matter if they are compact. Current user interfaces which are minimal, Single Toolbar, Contextual Single, are in no way minimal,
The window title alone occupies 20/30+px, then an extra 12px for the written menu options, then ~24px buttons toolbar single line, an extra 7 or 8 for the ruler, only after this on the minimal user interfaces the document actually begins. Even in views that don’t have file menu, only icons, still a lot of space being vertically occupied, makes it difficult to tile across the screen.
Measured a screenshot with gimp, and compact views with file menu start at 131px, without the menu 116px (this is under GNOME, under LXDE I can tame the window bar at less than 10px no prob).
A feature request would be to really provide a minimal interface to soffice.bin --writer.
A zen interface.
No menus, no buttons, no rulers, simply text, just content. We can access all functions through a contextual menu openinng at mouse location and proceed from there. Even better, consider ctrl shift p or r or something to drop a single screen line height customizable where we start inputting our intentions of commands, like in atom
Libreoffice writter needs a zen mode with nothing but the actual content being worked on, please!
Then we can also add ctrl - + or ctrl minus to zoom in (ctrl mousescrollwheel works very fine regarding this, but often i dont carry a mouse while I write on battery remote on mountains and islands, with 768px height on a netbook to conserve power for a 10h working day.
Another great addition would be the option to split the editor view, and incorporate all the functionality of multiple windows on the single parenting window.
The multiple windows same document is helpful but still buggy, I am sure you also have fun at the cursor location being misrepresented and the document glitching when you write on windows other than the one just spawned.
Thanks for listening and have a nice day.