Move all footnotes from bottom in paragraph

Is there a fast way, maybe a macro to do that? I have documents with a ton of footnote and I want some way to move all footnotes from each page in the main paragraph where the reference ID is.

I had an Office macro that did exctly that but I lost it and to this day havent managed to find it again.

update:remove all footnotes by transferring note text into main text where the anchor is.Is

Do you mean you want your footnote inline with the text? If so, this is contradictory with the concept of footnote. Even with cross-references, the best you can have is another copy of the note number.

Unless I’m wrong, I understand you want to remove all footnotes by transferring note text into main text where the anchor is, perhaps enclosed in parentheses. This is a manual task. It may be assisted by macros but I never wrote one.

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