Ms-office icons in stead of 'tango'-icons

I don’t know if I can ask my question here?
First LibreOffice 3.5 is fast and is working very good.
I use it at home every day, writer as well as calc.
However at work I have to use MS Office 2007.
The icons ms-office uses in ‘the ribbon’ I know by heart.
Is it possible to download somewhere these icons from ms-office, so that I can import them in LibreOffice???
I like to use these icons in stead of the ‘Tango’-symbols/icons.

P. Sel

If you want a “fresher” look you could try to switch to Oxygen or Crystal icons. On Ubuntu you will have to install Crystal icons (search for Crystal), on Windows you can just switch by using Tools > Options > View.

Maybe it would be somehow be possible to retrieve these icons. But it would certainly be illegal and one would need to make a whole new icon theme for LibreOffice.

though imitation may be the best form of flattery, using MS icons violates copyright and gives all Linux users a bad name. please do not use. for an excellent theme, use the Galaxy theme found in the repositories.

Someone collected the icons from office 2013 and made them into an icon theme that can be used in libreoffice.

Someone else gives a tutorial to make the theme look more like office 2013.

You can download this Office 2013 theme which is compatible with LibreOffice 4.4 :