Multi pronged lists, 1,0s, new sheets, transplant to tables, duplicates

Hi, this is a bit more complicated than it sounds – at least to me. I attempted and see what I need to do but can’t seem to figure it out. This is for psychology class. Yay

example.ods (57.6 KB)

table example new sheet.ods (13.8 KB)
I have attached the 2 sheets that I will talk about.

The bulk:

mC and mD are different subjects.

  • “unblocked” list goes with the INFO column.
  • “blocked” list goes with the RETENTION column.
  • I have an “err?” column because I was doing this by hand. I imagine this could serve the same purposes here.
  • down below I have formulas to gather the counts of said columns.
    *I was trying to, for the INFO column, have it scan down the “unblocked” list of numbers and only place a 1 next to incorrect answers OR duplicates of the first response. This is the same for RETNETION.
    -then for whatever # is NOT used is the said list, it would be an “omission” and also counted an err (error).
    -then at the bottom it would be helpful to calculate the 1s etc that I have listed.

-also it would be great to have those total numbers nicely places into a table where the mC, for example, is row A and mD is rowB and lists the total error’s (line in light yellow).

-Additionally, in another table of the same new Sheet, say below it, to list the “blocked” numbers.

(all these numbers change daily)

-in a different Sheet, same with listing the arms in the “blocked” list -in a different table.
So a few things going on here.
I can see in my head how or what I want I just can’t seem to find the correct syntax.

if you need ANY explanation of what what is, I can answer!! But I think ya’ll intuitively may get what I’m after.
I have some clue, perhaps, or if it needs multiple steps to do, which is fine.

If anyone could help with ANY part, it would be much appreciated!! :slight_smile:


Maybe “it sounds a bit more complicated than it is”. It is easier for us if you share an annotated file.
In which cells do you need help? Say: In C22 do I need the count of numbers in red font (B5:B11) that are not in INFO (C5:C15).
Please, do not use Suggest a solution. Edit your question to add new info. Thanks.

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I’m working on editing the sheet with comments. Taking awhile =) and I’m going to break it down instead of having all at once.
