Multi-selection address in range field of CF with macro

In the cell range of conditionalformat, Format.Conditional.Manage.Edit, I can give different ranges by hand, example “A1:D1,A2:E2,A3:H3”

When I use the folowing code all the rules are separated over more lines:

sRngs = "A1:D1,A2:E2,A3:H3"
vRngs = split(sRngs, ",")
for iI = lbound(vRngs()) to ubound(vRngs())
  oRng.getCellRangeByName(vRngs(iI)).ConditionalFormat = oNewCCF               'each on a separated line

How to change the code so that all ranges are on one cell range line only?
I tryed it with:

oRng.getCellRangeByName(sRngs).ConditionalFormat = oNewCCF 'All on one line

But thats not the solution.

Who can/will point me in the rigth direction?



' Changes the range of cells for the first conditional formatting of the first sheet of the document.
Sub ChangeCFRanges()
  Dim oSheet as Object, oRanges As Object, oCF As Object, n
  For Each n In Split("A1:D1;A2:E2;A3:H3", ";")
    oRanges.addRangeAddress oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(n).rangeAddress, True
  Next n
End Sub

I have adopted your code in the following way:

Dim oCF As Object, sRngs As String
sRngs = "A1:D1;A2:E2;A3:H3"
'oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(oRng.RangeAddress.sheet)
For Each sRng In Split(sRngs, ";")
   oRngTmp.addRangeAddress oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(sRng).rangeAddress, True
Next sRng
msgbox "'" & oRngTmp.absoluteName & "'"
'oCF = oSheet.ConditionalFormats.ConditionalFormats(0)
oCF = oSheet.ConditionalFormats.ConditionalFormats(oRng.RangeAddress.sheet)
oCF.range = oRngTmp

The variable oRngTmp contains the addresses: “$Eltako.$A$1:D1;$Eltako.$A$2:$E$2;$Eltako.$A$3:$H$3”
An error, ‘Inadmissible value or data type. Index out of define range’, is produced by line:
oCF = oSheet.ConditionalFormats.ConditionalFormats(oRng.RangeAddress.sheet)

What is cause of this error and how to solve it?

Could you upload the .ods file along with the macro? This way we will solve the problem faster.

Please note that the macro does not create a new formatting rule, but changes an existing one (the first one).

CFExample_2.ods (198.2 KB)

Of course is that possible, see file.
When the new CF rules are created the cell(s) contains no rules at all.

Error in line:

oCF = oSheet.ConditionalFormats.ConditionalFormats(oRng.RangeAddress.sheet)

The last index should be equal to 0 - this is the index of the conditional formatting rule (this is the only rule on the sheet).

I change the line:

oCF = oSheet.ConditionalFormats.ConditionalFormats(oRng.RangeAddress.sheet)

back to:

oCF = oSheet.ConditionalFormats.ConditionalFormats(0)

It works when the cell already contains CF rule(s) but when I remove the rule(s) or take a complete new empty sheet I get the same error, ‘Inadmissible value or data type. Index out of define range’
Is there a way to make it also work on cells that contains NO CF rule(s)?

The workaround I use is to create a CF for one rectangular range and then change the CF area using the above method. You can also look for the “direct” path - let us know if you succeed.

I will search for the “direct” path, meanwhile I will use the workaround.
Thanks for spending your time and sharing your knowledge with me (us). :+1:

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