Multiline text fields in database table

Does LibreOffice base allow putting multiple lines in cells.
If YES, which properties such column must have.

Which OS and LO-Version do you use? Which Database do you use, HSQLDB or Firebird or others?

Windows-10, HSQLDB


There are multiple places in which to view data. Two of these are a table view and a form. For multiple line VIEW, each is different. Please see my answer in this post → How can I wrap text at table database?. Be sure to also look at the comments under the answer as it corrects an error in the answer.

Thanks. Works for Form. Concerning Table, I didn’t find Memo [TEXT] option.
One more question: is it possible to format several lines as bulleted list, e.g.

  • aaaa
  • bbbb
  • cccc
  • dddd

link text

Sorry - Memo[Text] is from MySQL.

Don’t know of method for bullet items.