Multiple sheets [within a spreadsheet]


I hope I can explain this properly. I notice that in other spreadsheet programs ex. WPS they open multiple sheets within a sheet so that you can easily move back and forth almost like “tabbed browsing”,as opposed to Libre which will open each sheet separately. Or, does Libre offer this option and I’m just not aware of it.


Hello and welcome!
To be honest, I don’t really understand what you’re complaining about. But I remember that once upon a time I was confused that some files created in Excel actually opened without sheet tabs. I had to tinker and find this checkbox

If you are talking about some other problem, then please try to describe it in more detail, perhaps with a screenshot.

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Maybe: →Tools→→Options→→

To be clear, what the other commenters are saying is that yes, LibreOffice Calc has tabs. They are trying to figure out why you aren’t seeing them.

In fact, LO has a great feature where if your mouse cursor is hovering over the tabs area, then you can use the scroll wheel on the mouse to scroll the tabs.

Other possibilities: Is your taskbar at the bottom of the screen covering the tabs? Is your window sizing a little bigger that your screen?

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