Multiple user profiles for parallel processing with custom configuration changes in user profiles

I am using seperate user profiles as my process can run multiple instances of soffice simulteniously
as below,

/path/to/soffice --headless “-env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp/LibreOffice_Conversion_${USER}” --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir ${HOME}/lo_pdfs /path/to/test.docx

Now my question is, everytime soffice is creating a default user profile, that means the custom configuration changes I made is not reflecting here.

Please someone let me know how can I have my custom configuration changes in user profile to be created everytime I specify a different location as

@mikekaganski Any idea about this ?

Just copy a prepared profile to the new location every time, before launching the application. Or use suggestions from Deployment and Migration - The Document Foundation Wiki, like custom XCD in share/registry. Or create a custom extension that does the wanted configuration change for you, similar to what Stop Begging » Libreoffice Extensions does. Which was already told you on IRC.

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@mikekaganski Do we have any concept in linux Libre office similar to windows registery concept to set these options ?

Why do you mention Windows Registry in this discussion? I didn’t. Even though the linked wiki page indeed mentions, among other things, some Windows-specific feature related to group policies, and implemented using Windows Registry, I only mentioned XCD and share/registry from there, which is platform-neutral.

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@mikekaganski The wiki page mentions windows registry, also, I think, the links under "Windows Group Policy ADMX files " are not valid now.

@mikekaganski I understand what you mean now, I thought the registry means windows registry later realized that there is registry folder in libre office installation folder, now it is no platform dependent. I can able to test my scenarion with the custom .xcd file. Thank you.