Multiplication in function returning boolean value

I am trying to write a function to sort through a list of abbreviated numbers using K and M, and converting these into numbers (e.g. 3.4K, .98M → 3400, 980000). However, for some reason, when I add the multiplication to the function, instead of returning a number, it returns a boolean value.

So for instance, where A2 = 2.3K, the function
returns 2.3, but the function
#####=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("K",A2)), (LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-1) * 1000), IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("M",A2)), (LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-1) * 1000000), "ERROR"))
returns TRUE. Furthermore, the function
returns 2300.

How can this be? Thanks!


It seems you has formatted the Formulacell (accidently) to show Boolean Values.
Try: →Rightclick→remove DirectFormat

and use Formula:


Thanks so much! Such an easy fix!