Hi all.
I wrote my first novel in Libre office writer. I am uploading to KDP as a kindle ebook. (It is formatted for KDP Kindle viewer)
There are 30 Chapters, (each Chapter heading is set as Heading 1)
Table of contents is single column, over 1 page in LibreOffice writer and Hyperlinks function perfectly.
However it runs over 2 pages once uploaded to Amazon KDP. I don’t want it split over 2 pages. I want it in 2 columns.
OK. so back in writer, I left click on the TOC, and choose edit Table of contents.
- I removed the tick from [Protect against manual changes]
- I deleted [#] as I don’t want page numbers.
- I converted to 2 columns.
- in [columns] tab, I lowered spacing to 0.3cm
5 In [Background] tab I changed [colour] to white.
I clicked [ok].
everything looks and works fine (Within Libre Office Writer).
I then click [file] [save] to save the updates.
But when I next open the document, it has always reverted the TOC to single column, spread over 2 pages again!
I must be missing a step somewhere.
i tied leaving the tick in, taking the tick out, I even removed the tick from [autowidth] to no avail. it’s driving me mad !
Please treat me as having zero previous experience with this particular function. it is my first attempt. I am a 63 years old engineer, fairly PC savvy in general, but not as yet fully conversant with these finer points. So please be kind.
any ‘step by step’ would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Very best regards,