I sometimes randomly get: “mysql server has gone away” when connecting LibreOffice Base to MySQL. I must reestart Base before I can proceed.
I’m using:
- OS: Debian 8.6 (Jessie stable)
- Database server: MariaDB 10.1 MySQL Server (the most recent version)
- App: LibrieOffice Base (the most recent version)
- Extension: mysql connector 1.0.4_3 (“MySQL Native Connector for Linux for 4.2 and 4.3”) (the most recent version)
Normally with database connectors there is a place to set up connection parameters. One such parameter in a connector I’ve used is “keep-alive” which fixed this behavior for me before.
But I’m not sure where to set up any connection parameters for this extension.
Furthermore, I don’t know who produced or supports this connector. (See: LibreOffice | Base | Tools | Extension Manager | Get more extensions online… | Extensions | Base-extensions | MySQL Native Connector for Linux for 4.2 and 4.3). The only reference there is to: http://www.documentfoundation.org/ which is just a generic home.
Any help is much appreciated.