Need documentation on DispatchHelper's executeDispatch method, what are vaules for URL?

As someone fairly new to LO Basic, there is so much I don’t yet know. I’m looking for documentation on DispatchHelper’s executeDispatch method that goes beyond what’s found at OO’s API reference of execute Dispatch or LO’s API reference for the same. I need to know what are the possile values for that URL parameter.

For example, these are a few I’ve run into over the past few months :

 	oDispH.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:SetHyperlink", "", 0, args())
  	oDispH.executeDispatch(document.getCurrentController().getFrame(), .uno:Delete, , 0, args()) 
	oDispH.executeDispatch(document.getCurrentController().getFrame(), .uno:MergeTable, , 0, args())|

Is there a document that holds a list of possible values for URL? I assume it is linked to which DispatchProvider is being exectued, I just need help finding the documentation, if that exists.


generally I would strongly recommend you to not use the dispatcher but the API calls. See Where can I find API reference for the macro scripting in BASIC? for a more detailed discussion. See in Regina’s answer:

The dispatcher exists in addition to the API. If you want to learn Basic, the dispatcher is not useful.

She also describes the way to get information for dispatcher calls. If you follow this you go through
svx.sdi (revision 3eac8479) - OpenGrok cross reference for /core/svx/sdi/svx.sdi you get the parameter name (Hyperlink) and Type (SvxHyperlinkItem). Then I got stuck … so use the API, not the dispatcher

Good luck,