Need read only version of LibreOffice

Need to stop all edits, creates, etc. Only open and view documents. Is there any option for this?

I’m not sure I understand your main goal, but it seems to me that instead of an Open Document Format for Office Applications, you need a Portable Document Format (PDF).

Option in the GUI - no.
Even to modify the source would be a big task and you have to answer complex questions like “are we allowed to create lock-files?” (In a read-only system maybe not necessary, but there could also an unrestricted office access the file at the same time.)
If you want to protect files I suggest using the options of the file-system.
If you wish to protect content you have to disable also the Clipboard…
If you dont trust users convert everything to pdf and give them a simple viewer like SumatraPDF on windows.

Thanks for the suggestions. We have a system where clients save documents against jobs. Hosted on the Cloud so we do not want clients to use the Cloud server to edit or create documents. Looks like it would be too difficult to modify LibreOffice. Appreciate your input.

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This is usually done by restrictions on the file-server to protect a folder. Advantage: This also works, if your users can start another program wich you had not prepared for read-only before. Find out wich server is used (apache, nginx,…) and read how to protect your data.