New guy trying to get coding environment figured out for Macro development

Started a personal pet project using LibreOffice as I wean myself off of my company’s licensed MSOffice software and am wrestling with getting some traction in working with the development environment for ? what do I even call it? LibreOffice Basic?
Gotta say, I’m not having a good time using this “IDE” for doing the basic development, as it seems to be no more than a simple text editor with debugging capabilities. Without any type ahead or object/class hinting or referencing, and trying to do the most basic programming tasks is proving extremely tedious.
For example, I have defined a user defined data type, and simply want to know, when I’ve instantiated an instance of it, how can I iterated over the keys of this object? Or even if it is enumerable? where is the documentation to the Object class? No, I don’t want to iterated over the cells in the spreadsheet, I need to know what the interface is to a basic Object… where do I find this?
Anyway, I didn’t mean for this to become a rant, just wanting to make some sense out of what I’m working with.

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Thanks, great information here. What I’m still not finding is what I would think pretty basic.
I’ve defined and instantiated an instance of a custom (what I assume as an) uno Object.
What i can’t find in docs or examples are techniques for dynamically discovering properties of an “Object”, e g., keys, etc.
I would have expected to find a base uno class of Object in some context, but no mention of this can be found. Any idea?

introspection ?
MRI was explicitely cited above, a bit obsolete maybe.
for more ambitious projects :

otherwise plenty of “examples” everywhere ;

(maybe try to narrow down your question with code on actual use cases)

Nope, still no information on “Object”, but thanks for the information.

Beginners often go straight to macros but it is usually better to learn too use the software first and then use macros to fill in the blanks, The API is quite complex and documentation sparse.

Star Basic Programmers Guide

Lots of Macro information

MRI tool is essential to shed light on objects.

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