Newby: Can't find the data source

I opened my base file and got this dialogue

The connection to the data source “( name of file )” could not be established.

My forms and tables have disappeared. [control/shift/F4] does nothing.

How do I find the data source?

Any ideas? Thank you

It would help to know the database you are using. When you open the Base file, what is in the status bar (last row of Base screen) on the left. Is it Spreadsheet?
If so, you have moved or renamed the spreadsheet file you were linked to. Forms and tables should not disappear when this happens. Are you certain you have the correct Base file?

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thanks, your remark about spreadsheets send me back to something else I was working on and I figured it out. Thank you. The data is in a spreadsheet. That I guess connects to Base. Im moving into LibreOffice Base from Filemaker ( too expensive now ) and getting a bit confused, but thanks I figured it out.