No export as EPUB option for .PDF

In, File–>export menu shows only Export as PDF and Export Directly as PDF for PDF files. Export as EPUB options do exist for ODT files. Is it impossible to use Libre Office to convert PDF to EPUB?

That might be a distribution specific omission, I assume your are on a Linux distribution. was end-of-life in 30 November 2020, see ReleasePlan - The Document Foundation Wiki . Maybe your distribution includes it in a more current release?

There is also an extension that I haven’t ried, Writer2xhtml » Extensions

Thanks for your reply. I’m afraid a newer release will break my creaky old computer. I installed Writer2xhtml, but the FAQ says it can only convert from Open Document format. So I guess I have to convert PDF to ODT and then to EPUB. I will search that up later.

Sorry, I misread, AFAIK there isn’t a conversation pdf to EPUB. Maybe try Calibre

I got Calibre to do the job after some more online searching. I had failed to get it to work before, that’s why I turned to Libre Office. It is much easier to read the book on my phone now that I can enlarge the tiny font. Thanks for reminding me about Calibre.

I understand that your original file is a PDF, not an .odt or .doc(x) document. LO can open PDFs but considers them as graphics material, in other words drawings. They open in Draw as a collection of shapes, not text flow. You may find this statement paradoxical because you still read text contents in Draw. However what you read is not a logical sequential consistent flow. It is made of myriads of disconnected and independent text boxes (which are drawing objects, not text).

Consequently, exporting to ePub is impossible.