No HelloWorldPython nor any other Python script using AppImage

Yes that was the default in OpenOffice, as the other was an extension then. It seems to be a known topic, discussed here:

An package in AUR may solve your problem:

@LobaLuna: if your issue is already solved? … ignore the suggested workaround!

The following is testet

  1. firstly i removed the »libreoffice-script-provider-python« package with:

    sudo apt-get purge libreoffice-script-provider-python
    ( 1. only for me to test you dont need that)

  2. then I download only the 2 files and scriptproviderforpython.rdb from this site
  3. copy them both to the right location below ……libreoffice/program:
    > sudo cp    ……/libreoffice/program/
    > sudo cp  scriptproviderforpython.rdb    ……/libreoffice/program/services/scriptproviderforpython.rdb