No SDBC driver was found for the URL 'sdbc:embedded:hsqldb'.

I am running Debian jessie and LO Version:

Base used to work OK, It now does not.

I get the following error message:

The connection to the external data source could not be established. No SDBC driver was found for the URL ‘sdbc:embedded:hsqldb’.

I checked TOOLS/OPTIONS/ADVANCED/ I have the JRE checkbox selected and the radio button is also selected it shows I have version 1.7.0_131. I tested java by using the letter wizard which worked OK

If I try to install the latest sdbc driver APT says I have the latest version.

any help would be appreciated.

What DB are you using - embedded, split, external? Have there been any recent changes to LO? Are you using a distro version? Can you create a new embedded Base file? Personally have not had problem on Debian using LO from LibreOffice v5.2.x or 5.3.x with any DB (except for some specific connector glitches).

You may also want to upgrade Java to 1.8.x version. I am currently using 1.8.0_131 which may not be the latest but works in Mint 18.


in answer to your questions:

I am using embedded DB
No changes to LO that I am aware of
I can create a new file but when i click on tables thats when i get the error
I will update java and report the result



root@shw:/home/steve# apt-get install default-jre
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
default-jre is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Is what I got when I asked to update the JRE any ideas now?

Just moved over to my Debian system. Have LO v5.2.5.1 installed (the LIbreOffice version, not the distro version). Debian comes with Java 1.7.0_131 which I immediately upgraded to 1.8.0_131 from Oracle. Just tested with the 1.7.0_131 and had no problems. The only difference at this point may be the LO version. You never mentioned if you are using the distro version. Can’t say this is the problem, but it wouldn’t be the first time (even this year).

I got that error message on Base installing it for the first time on pop os. I got it fixed installing the following:
