No snapping when cropping, but snapping otherwise

Every time I crop an image, I disable snapping to get the right cropping. I then have to re-enable it to get snapping when I move pictures around. Is it possible to set the snapping differently for the two actions permanently?

I don’t think there is a way to diferentiate the snapping the way you request. I suggest a workaround:

The Alt key momentarily toggles the current snap setting. After you have clicked the cropping handle, press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard while you drag.

Some keyboard shortcuts are different on the MacOS versions of the suite. If you are on a Mac, it may be that you need to use the command or ctrl key instead, and the Alt key may be labeled Option. If at all relevant to you, you find out easily enough which it is.


Nice, thanks!
In my case, on Linux Mint, I have to hold Ctrl+Alt to disable the snapping, as only holding Alt moves the window around.
As holding Ctrl makes so that click-and-drag does not move pictures, I have to start moving a picture, THEN press Alt to get to no-snap version.

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