Is there any method to create independent non-modal dialogs?
I can create a dialog that is non-modal to the document, but if I then create another non-modal dialog this blocks selection of the previous dialog until the second dialog is closed.
If the dialogs are modal, the second dialog not only blocks the first dialog, but also prevents selection of the first document.
Example spreadsheet documents to demonstrate this:
Both examples create a non-modal dialog, when the second is active then the first can no longer be selected.
Using LibreOffice x64 on windows 8.1.
Also confirmed in on Linux mint 18 in Virtual Box.
It appears that the problem is due to basic still running when a dialog is active as “oDlg.execute” does not return to basic until the dialog is closed. While the dialog is running, events can still be triggered, but if these events start another dialog then that event code does not complete and this prevents continued execution of the first dialog.
I think to achieve what I’m attempting I need to close the dialog when the document is no longer active and then re-open the dialog when the document is re-activated. I’ll need to somehow save the state of the dialog before it is closed and restore the state when it is re-activated. This might be a problem as all variables are reset when basic stops running.