Not able to execute command

Hi Team

Today I have installed libreoffice6.3 in a Linux machine and it was successful.
I can see libreoffice6.3 directory inside /opt but not in /usr/lib/
While trying to execute basic command like “libreoffice”/ libreoffice6.3 / soffice / libreof, I am getting error as “command not found”

What could be the reason? Please advise.


How did you install it? Source compilation or package manager? What is the output of echo $PATH in a terminal? Does it show any directory in /opt?

Edit your question to provide the sollicited information. Don’t use an answer which is reserved for solutions. Alternatively, comment under mine.

in a Linux machine

That’s pretty imprecise considering the large amount of GNU/Linux distributions and the plenty of different desktop managers (GNOME, KDE,. MATE, Cinnamon, LXDE, Xfce, …). Please also tell the source of your install images (probably TDF since you got LibreOffice installed into /opt/)