Hi everyone,
I’ve tried to build LOOL and when I do the “configure step” before the make command the process return an error related with NPM.
The configure command used by me is:
./configure --enable-silent-rules --with-lokit-path=/home/user/libreoffice/core/include --with-lo-path=/home/user/libreoffice/core/instdir --with-poco-include=/opt/poco/include --with-poco-libs=/opt/poco/lib
I had to build the POCO package because libpoco-dev and nodejs-dev were incompatible, that is, I couldn’t have both installed at the same time so, I installed version 1.9.0 (stable) of POCO from https://pocoproject.org/download/index.html
But, now I’ve had this error below:
checking POCO version... OK
checking If we need to link with -lpcre... Yes
checking for npm... no
configure: error: npm required to build loleaflet, but not installed
I searched about this issue and I think that I’ve installed all dependencies needed to npm (maybe more than as needed) but there is still the error.
The packages installed are: nodejs, nodejs-dev, nodejs-legacy, node-ansi, node-brace-expansion, node-express, node-glob, node-global-modules, node-global-prefix, node-gyp, node-json5, node-npm-run-path, node-npmlog, node-websocket, libjs-node-uuid
Could someone help me with this issue?
Thanks in advance
NOTE: My distro is Debian 9.4