Nuget package for C#


I have an application, which integrates with Libre Office via C# libraries. The application is being migrated from .Net Framework 4.5, where all works well, to .Net 8. However, when then the .Net 8 application tries to connect to the Libre Office an exception occurres.

Brief googling provided the link 148857 – Handle is not initialized exception when bootstrapping with .Net (but not in .Net Framework), where it is said that the latest Libre Office should have communicate with .Net if the corresponding LibreOffice.Bindings Nuget is used. Accordingly to the link the Nuget should be located at /dotnet/LibreOffice.Bindings.0.1.0.nupkg, however, after installing
LibreOffice_25.2.1.2_Win_x86-64_sdk I have no dotnet folder in C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\sdk.

Could you tell me how can I get the LibreOffice.Bindings Nuget?

LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Chapter 1 - First Steps - The Document Foundation Wiki #LibreOffice_Software_Development_Kit_(SDK)

Unfortunately, the link has no use. I have already downloaded and installed the latest SDK. However, I am not able to find the LibreOffice.Bindings.0.1.0.nupkg at the SDK install directory (C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\sdk).
Therefore the question remains open: where is the LibreOffice.Bindings.0.1.0.nupkg? May it be lost from the Windows SDK, but exists in a Linux one?

not sure where the gap is.

maybe @mikekaganski can clarify from Does Update (86) remove NetFramework 4.0.3 - #5 by mikekaganski

otherwise, try to ping Development/Mailing List - The Document Foundation Wiki