how_remove2.xlsx (84.0 KB)
** before open the excel you must know In Greek 2,5=5/2 is same 2.5 = 5/2 in USA or UK
In a excel sheet I face the following problem:
1 problem
In the yellow columns :
D column with name 1 and U column with name D.W.L
the values of cell must be integer or float.
If you open the excel sheet you see e.g 26,35 (first row from D.W.L column) but when hit the cell you see ‘26,35 and make it a string and I cant take the sum from thin column.
How can fix this problem make yellow columns as float ?
in P column with name 13
many cells (with yellow color) must be float like the others in same column with 2 integer and 1 or 2 decimal digits