ODT to EPUB: Keep tables full page width

On conversion to epub, my full width tables are narrowed. I realise ‘stuff happens’ with 3rd party converters, but, is there formatting I could try to keep the full width.

How are your table formatted? Default, where they extend from margin to margin, or forced width?
What is the width of an ePub “page”? Is it related to any Writer page or has it its own logic (like reading device screen width)?

In Writer my tables are set to full width of A5 format with a 1cm L/R margin 12.8cm. In the epub, while the text is 10.8cm at max, tables never go beyond 9.5.

I realise from previous discussions re. keeping a caption-image together on a page (none of the formatting attempts worked such as caption keep with next paragraph + image ‘as character’ on next paragraph), that this may be down to the 3rd party odt to epub converter. That said, I have tried nearly 20, and most are worse than ‘ConverterTools’: Document Converter - ConverterTools

Try the following to see if it fools the converter:

  1. Table>Properties on one of your tables
  2. Table tab
    1.Alignment: change from Automatic to Center
  3. force the width to 10.8 cm

Sadly not. Tables reduced to 8cm. So it appears that just over 1cm is chopped from table width, whether it starts at 12.8 or 10.8.

It seems like Epub has a long way to go re. formatting.

In this other question, @anon87010807 suggests to export directly to XHTML Since ePub is XHTML, this may work.

Writer can save as HTML, but no option of XHTML. I must admit ignorance of the difference.

I assume the xhtml is then converted to epub?

That option is so well hidden. :=( File - Export..., then select xhtml from the drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box - for me, it’s no. 2.

Got it. Writer failed first try, but unfortunately the epub converter is failing on the Nth attempt. It’s an 18.9Mb html file so I wonder if it’s choking!