Open hybrid pdf file in Write instead of Draw

Hello to the helpers !

I created a hybrid PDF file with Writer n my home under Linux OS, and I can open and edit it in Writer on my home machine.

I just installed Writer on Windows OS on a machine in my workplace.

I tried to open this hybrid PDF file in LibreOffice, but it opens the PDF in Draw and I don’t find any way to open it in Writer.

I tried using the option “open with …” and select swriter.exe (not sure of the filename, I’m actually in Linux) but it still opens in Draw.

I searched in many other topics here and in other websites without finding a solution.

Thanks if you have any advice you can give me !

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Thanks a lot !
I’ll check the new update this week.

Please note that the fix is not yet merged to 7.6, so no currently available update would help yet. Please monitor the bug for a commit notice, which would tell in which version it will appear.

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Thanks again, I’ll wait for it and survey bug informations.