Open Office to Libre migration [autocorrect, spelling, offline help]

Libre was recently installed to replace Open Office. Libre Writer opens OO files, good so far. OO has a lot of quick correct, forms of words like “hte” and “ys” that change to “the” and “Yours sincerely”. Is there any way to import the OO quick correct list to Libre?

The red wavy underlines are missing in Libre. Advice about how to allow this would be appreciated.

There’s no help function. I looked for
Import help Libre writer
but nothing seems apt. Can someone please advise me where help can be located for installation in Libre?

I saw an option to be advised or not when there are replies to watched threads. I cannot locate this, and assistance is sought.

Thank you.

It doesn’t sound as if LibreOffice is set up properly for you.
Click Tools > Options > Languages and Locales > General and set the Default Language for Documents, Western to your expected language.

If the expected language that you set does not have a green tick then you need to download the dictionary.
Click Tools > Spelling, click the Options button, then click the link to Get more dictionaries online. Find your language and click Install.

You download the help file from Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
Note that it must match the LibreOffice version, Operating system, bitness (64 or 32 bit), Language e.g. English (GB), English (USA), etc

Note that when downloading from LibreOffice that the matching Help download is offered at the same time. Also, the version of LibreOffice that is offered for download is taken from your browser settings so it is pretty seamless for most people.

Usually, if there is no offline help installed LibreOffice has an online help.
On this site most questions about not working help come from Linux-users, when browsers can’t “see” the help files because one or both programs are in snap/flatpack /appimage containers.
For Windows try advice by @EarnestAl
for other systems, please tell about your configuration. We also have MacOS and some users of ChromeOS…

Wander and EarnestAl, thanks. My OS is Win 10 for the next 9-10 months, then Win 11.

EarnestAl said
Click Tools > Options > Languages and Locales > General
My version has
Tools > Options > Language settings > Languages
and this has General with the default English Australian. These dictionaries are loaded: standard (all), UK, USA, technical and a list of ignored words. I do not know what is meant by a green tick.

I downloaded the English dictionary and it worked. One minor shortcoming - the red wavy underlines are a bit hard to see.

Once I was advised of the way to do the two jobs it was quite simple. I’m a bit lost with Libre, but in time I’m sure that this will recede. Libre looks better than OO, especially the slightly bigger icons at the top.

Is it possible to import the quick correct settings from Open Office Write?There are hundreds if not thousands of them - I make a lot of typos.
I edited the above twice. There were no paragraph blank line breaks so I added full stops. How are paragraph blank lines added?

Look at my screenshot, English (New Zealand) has ab and a green tick before it.

Did you set your locale to Australia in Tools > Options > Languages and Locales > General?
It might be better to use LibreOffice’s AutoCorrect file. With LibreOffice closed, just copy "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\autocorr\acor_en-AU.dat" to %APPDATA%\libreoffice\4\user\autocorr. You might need to alter Windows Explorer settings to be able to see the AppData folder, click View > Show > Hidden files
I don’t quite understand why your installation didn’t include the Australian dictionary and the AutoCorrect list for English (Australia). Maybe it was that you downloaded the English (USA) version [I don’t know if it is limited to just USA, I always select English (GB) which includes other English varieties], or maybe it was downloaded from a different site?
It is common for computers sold in Australia (and by the same importers, New Zealand) to be set to USA. Try setting your computer to Australian settings; click Start menu > Settings > Time & Language > Language & Region and check the settings there. It won’t affect LibreOffice installation now however.

This site uses Markdown, you can see some examples in the pinned topic How to use the ask LibreOffice site. For the break, on a new line enter <br>

I can see the green tick in the screen shot but do not know where I can find this on Libre.

I found
C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\autocorr\acor_en-AU.dat
The closest I can find to %Appdata% is
which has no files. There is
~AppData\Roaming\Libre Office\4\user
and this is where I put

Autocorrect worked for “hte” and “ocur” changing to “the” and “occur”, and presumably many other common typos. However, I have a lot of OO Write autocorrect forms of words that I have created, like “ys” changing to “Yours sincerely”. Is is possible to import these into Libre?

Help is still not installed:
"The LibreOffice built-in help for current UI language (English (UK)) is not installed on your computer.

“You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version.”
I’m getting very confused. There are multiple versions of Libre. I have (x86)
build dd47 something - I cannot copy this and it’s in a very small font. To further confuse matters I got a message that the version was dated. I downloaded this a few days ago.

%APPDATA% is an environment variable, set to a fitting value, so it works for every user on Windows.
If you use file-explorer, just click in the path of a shown folder and replace it with %APPDATA% After pressing enter, explorer should show the (usually hidden) folder for your current user.

In the following dialog click on the button next to “Version information”.

Cited from here:

Start by closing LibreOffice, then rename acor_en-AU.dat to acor_en-AU.dat.old or something.
Copy the acor_en-AU.dat file from OpenOffice to LibreOffice as before. See this page to find where to copy from but the structure should be similar, Apache OpenOffice Community Forum - [Tutorial] The OpenOffice User Profile - (View topic)
If the AutoCorrect from AOO doesn’t work, delete the copied file and rename the renamed file back to original.

You didn’t download version from the download page at Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft otherwise you would have been offered the current version. Sometimes there are two versions to choose from, select the stable version.
Go to the download page and download the current version. While you are downloading, you will be offered the Help to download so download that too. Install the current version of LibreOffice (it will uninstall the old version) and then install the Help files.


To open the LibreOffice Autocorrect user folder just paste
%APPDATA%\libreoffice\4\user\autocorr directly into the address bar of Windows Explorer and press Enter

Thanks. I looked for the autocorrect file
C:>dir acor_en-AU.dat /s /p

Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4\share\autocorr
22/07/2019 12:41 PM 79,211 bytes acor_en-AU.dat

Directory of C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\OpenOfficeOld\4\User\autocorr
31/01/2022 04:43 PM 151,452 bytes acor_en-AU.dat

Directory of C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice\4\user\autocorr
16/10/2024 04:04 PM 157,003 bytes acor_en-AU.dat
3 OpenOffice files

Directory of C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\autocorr
08/05/2024 02:25 AM 20,807 bytes acor_en-AU.dat

Directory of C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\autocorr
08/05/2024 02:25 AM 20,807 bytes acor_en-AU.dat
2 Libre files

I’m unsure which of these to use for:
“rename acor_en-AU.dat to acor_en-AU.dat.old or something”. Would it be simpler to remove or uninstall Libre and start with a clean download from the right website?

Just do this

No. You will be in the same situation ad now (unless you cteate a website wich includes YOUR autocorrect file).

Check the dates and use the newest.

  • The one in \share will be the original one from OpenOffice without additions.
  • Then you have a version from 2022 in OpenOfficeOld
  • and the next one from 16/10/2024 04:04 PM 157,003 seems most promising.

Generally: Don’t rename but copy to the new folder from LibreOffice. So you can repeat this anytime…

I’ve been very busy of late, and sorting Libre fell down the list. Nothing further has been done except becoming more familiar with Libre. It’s better then OpenOffice, although some parts are different. The bigger icons are nice.

There was a message:
LibreOffice 24.8.4 is available.
The installed version is LibreOffice

As I downloaded Libre in the last month or so, it’s puzzling why the installed version is so old. I’m happy to install 24.8.4 if that is the current version. Should I install 24.8.4? Once the current version is installed I’ll look at the other issues. TIA.

It’s just the versioning scheme that changed. LibreOffice is developing steadily. Between 6.4 and 7.0 there was no more progress than between 6.3 and 6.4 or 7.0 and 7.1. Therefore, the new version that came up in February 2024 was versioned as 24.2. It was the direct successor of 7.6, followed by 24.8 and 25.2 due next month.

I finally got round to downloading the latest version. It’s a big download. There is one desktop icon for Libre office. I’m sidetracked now attempting to set up desktop and taskbar icons for Writer and Calc. I cannot find anything to assist. Advice about how to add the icons would be valued. Once this is sorted I can look at the original matter. TIA.

This stuff depends on your OS / desktop etc.
For Win10 use the Windows-Menu. It has separate entries for Writer, Calc etc. If you right click theese there is an entry to “add to taskbar” (or similiar - my desktop is not english language and I use classic shell).
It was possible to drag menu-entries for programs to the desktop also, but I didn’t try this for long time. (With symbols in the taskbar I don’t need additional one on desktop. And I prefer links to documents instead. So I would place a link to my default “empty” Writer file instead of a icon for Writer itself.)