I have an accounting app that I use to generate invoices I eMail to clients. Occasionally, I have a need to edit the text of the PDFs without regenerating an invoice. I’ve been using PDF Element Pro but decided to give LibreOffice a try using the Draw module. The PDF open right up but any elements that were crafted using Arial or Arial Black get changed to Liberation Sans and Liberation Serif (and this substitution isn’t consistent; sometimes they swap Sans for Serif and vice versa). I’ve created a font substitution table telling LO to use Arial and Arial Black in place of Liberation Sans and Serif (two entries in the table) “always” (which apparently means both on screen and when printed). But this substitution table worked once and then fails consistently.
Arial and Arial Bold are installed in my system (Windows 10) so there shouldn’t be any sort of substitution. I’ve tried changing the fonts used by the accounting app but, regardless of what I choose, it appears that LO uses the two Liberation fonts.
Do I need to install an extra copy of the Arial font family in some special location that LO will notice when it launches?