Open true recent without document type filter

I’m on for Sonoma. I frequently switch back and forth between writer and calc. But when I’m in writer, I can’t access file/recent documents for calc documents and vise versa. It filters recent files strictly by filetype. The home screen does the trick well… but I can’t access the home screen after opening any document. Is there a way to access the home screen? I can see that people have been asking for this feature since at least 2017. Is there any work around for this frustrating experience?

  1. There is still no way to open the “home screen” (Start Center) - tdf#77590.
  2. There is a way to make the recent file list to behave like before (independent of the current module) using an expert configuration - see the release notes, that describe the feature. In version 25.2, the setting has a UI.
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