On my linux laptop I have Writer as a stand-alone and it opens docs very quickly. On my Mac I have to load the entire Office machinery to use Writer. It’s a much slower process. Is there a way to open just Writer by itself?
Hello @Thesulli,
A. try right-click your document, select the menu option "Open With ..." ( or "Open With Other Application" ), then select LibreOffice Writer.
B. or enter the Terminal command: "lowriter" to open LO Writer wth a blank page.
thanks - neither works for me but I appreciate the answer. I can’t select LibreOffice Writer because its inside LibreOffice – the only Libre program showing up in m Applications. I can’t get just Writer on the app store, and I’m unable to find “lowriter” at the terminal, though I going to keep looking.
another terminal command you could try:
libreoffice --writer yourfile.odt
The terminal commands work just fine on my linux machine, but not on my Mac where I still have to open the complete Libre Office program to get at writer. But your examples show once again why so many users with even a little experience at the command line love linux.