Opening .pre files from Lotus Freelance?

Can LibreOffice open the .pre file format from Lotus Freelance?

I know IBM provide the kvlotus.exe program, but this is only for viewing and I would like to try and convert the file I have, once opened.


Try the steps in this link. Buying an old SmarteSuite is probably your best bet.

On forum there is very similar question:

The answer is to download IBM Lotus Symphony ( fork). So try to download IBM Lotus Symphony (you will need to register at IBM site, it is free registration):

Some part of the IBM Lotus Symphony is now integrated in Apache OpenOffice, but I don’t know if this feature is integrated yet or if it ever will be. You can also try to download/install Apache OpenOffice from:

I got to be honest I don’t have final answer (I never used Lotus Freelance), so maybe this is not the solution you are looking for. But I am fully interested if this is working in IBM Lotus Symphony or Apache OpenOffice. Because if it does then those products have some feature that LibreOffice does not have and so for some special purposes I could give advice to use those products, because now I always recommend LibreOffice.

As I can remember, only the first version of Symphony had the filters for the files of Lotus Smartsuite.

@mariosv is right only the old Symphony had the import filters. I tested it with 3.0.0 and it did not work. I think my answer is still the best bet. Buy Smartsuite open .PRE files and save them as Powerpoint.

Maybe trying in a web converter as if it is for only one file, can be a good solution.