Opentype does not work in any PDF made by my LibreOffice Writer. TrueType prints fine.
OS is Win7. LO ver. 4.1 Acrobat used is stable ver. 6.0
OT font is ‘Vogue Paris’, re-generated in FontLab. In the PDF, it is replaced by ‘Liberation Mono’.
This fail is common to all OO and LO versions I have used. I make PDFs in Corel and other software successfully using OTs.
Is LO not compatible with Opentype? If not, when will it be? Soon, no types will be made using TrueType, the only format which LO can cope with.
I have Printed to my expired copy of PDF Complete. Opentype works in that PDF. I may have to buy this. So, LO’s PDF maker is definitely the problem, and this has not been addressed since early OpenOffice days.
Surely this should be a priority for Libre-bots - or are you all typography-autistic?
I have successfully made PDFs with Opentype using a trial copy of Docudesk DPDF software. Still begging for someone at Libre to address this, but no-one at OpenOffice or LibreOffice has ever replied to a query. [Sigh]
I’d like to reproduce this. Can you link to the font you used?
The font is not the critical element; in any case, I re-built it in Font Creator to make sure a badly-formatted OT was not the problem. FYI, my excellent source of Vogue Paris and many many pro fonts is
There are problems with the LO PDF driver: Printout problems: differences between LO PDF and Ghostscript PDF?
Try to print to PDF using an external PDF print driver like CutePDF :: Product :: CutePDF Writer which is free and seems to use Ghostscript.