Option to add a cross-reference to an index entry in LO Writer


When creating a new index entry, I couldn’t find the option to add a cross-reference to another index entry. I couldn’t find an extension with that option either.

Could anyone please help with this?

LO / French language and O/S Win 8.1 / French language

Many thanks,

If you mean with “index” the same as “headings” in the English version this should be your solution:

Insert > Fields > Other > Cross Reference > Headings…

Short cut key: ctrl+F2

Hi there,

Thank you for your prompt answer!

Let me give you more info. I want to create an index based on index entries and I want one of my index entry to show a reference to another entry, as shown below :

Entry 1 See Entry 2

I was referring to the MS Word Mark Index Entry dialogue where you can add the following cross-reference : See … to an entry in the index. I know it’s bad to make comparisons :frowning:
