Organising Supplier-Pricelists

I am working on a dedicated application for a trade. For my question: I made a table with the products I want to work with an calculate sales-prices. 20 to 30 suppliers will provide price-lists which amounts to a high number of items. First of all I will have a table for each price list to convert their records into a same format for my database.
How can I organize the database-structure in such a way that my table contains only the items I want to sell, I am able to compare the prices of similar items from different suppliers and to update my table if the supplier changes price-lists.
My first thought was to read all price-lists into a singe table linking each item to the suppliers name and linking it to my own table. But it would result in a table with a large number of records. Is there a better way to handle this?

Large number of records is not a problem if you abstain from databases embedded in a Base document. From time to time you may want to delete products with no related entries in your own products.