Page breaks, styles and footers change on saving a .odt document as a doc or docx document

Page breaks, styles and footers change on saving a .odt document as a doc or docx document. The document consists of a First Page, a single page Index and a multi-page Default body section.

I cannot fully understand Bug 41650 but it appears this is a long standing bug that is unlikely to be fixed.

Is there any way to prepare a document, using LOWrite which can be saved as a .doc or .docx document that has the following features:

  • a numberless title page

  • a 1 or 2 page table of contents section, with italic page numbers, starting at page ‘i’

  • a multi-page body with Arabic page numbers, starting at page ‘1’

I am using Libre Office on a 64 bit AMD PC with Ubuntu 16.04

When saved as .odt, is the document compliant with your specification?

This problem is not a bug, but the problem is due to the differing functions provided in a LibO .odt function and not available in a .doc / .docx documents.

When you save a writer file (.odt) as a .doc or .docx, you are warned that certain formatting function may be lost. Page numbering is an example of this deficiency. I upgrade documents the opposite way from .doc to .odt, and have the problem of page numbering, stripping out the manually applied .doc page numbers and let LibO manage them for you, especially useful when you need to add pages. LibO manages page numbering as part of the page in the header or footer, not the text, just the same way as a normal book. I understand that ,doc considers the number to be part of the text.

If you need to exchange LibO documents with users that only have access to .doc or .docx support, and cannot install LibO, you will need to downgrade the LibO .odt document and manage the page numbers yourself on the text pages, not the header/footer. I am sorry that this may not be the answer you are looking for.