I have a customer who’s been writing a book for awhile. He’s up to 800+ pages of plain text–no images whatsoever–mostly written in Microsoft Office. Now I’ve supplied him with two new computers running Windows Seven 64-bit, and because the MS Office version he was using was ancient, we opted to go with the latest version of LO (4.2.4). But it’s doing some pretty weird stuff with just his large documents.
When my customer opens his document, it takes a LONG time to load up. Like, a second per page. Then, as the page count in the bottom-left gets to the two-hundreds, it begins to decrement…counting backwards! The latest report is that, if left completely alone, it will finally load all the way up…after about 15 minutes…and he’s able to navigate throughout the document as he pleases.
Perhaps related…within thirty seconds of opening the document, Windows Live Mail will suddenly start up. We’ll minimize or close it, and LibreOffice will have a notification window telling us it couldn’t send an email. But…we didn’t want to send an email. We have NO IDEA how this is getting triggered.
We have tried different file types: .doc, .docx, .odf.–no change. We’ve checked the memory options: set at 20MB, and document isn’t even quite 4GB yet.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated! This poor man doesn’t ask for much, just a cheap laptop on which he can write a book while sitting on his deck in peace.