Page Formatting [all pages off the screen to the right]


Not sure if this is an LO problem or a Win 11 problem, but I publish a monthly Newsletter. I finished this last Sun 2 Mar 2025 Then went to send it out & noticed the entire newsletter formatting was screwed, so started checking the formatting & found that somehow all formatting is now like LO is in a Duplex page mode with nothing on the left, all pages off the screen to the right & even when I tried creating a new blank file, the blank file is in this mode.
I looked but cannot find a single thing showing this mode now the reason for this issue, so if you have faced this before & know the solution I need it quick as I am now behind on the send out schedule!



Writer offers several display modes. Your formatting is not “screwed”. It only shows in one of the modes.

You can select your preferred mode by clicking on one of the icons at left of zoom slider in the bottom status bar:


From left to right, single page, multiple page, book. In this example, book view is selected.

If the status bar is not visible, enable it with View>Status Bar.

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Sorry, but there is nothing in the “Viex>>Status bar” & there is no longer a zoom option available which use to be under “View>Zoom” because there is now so much trash under “View” that it exceeds the bottom of the page & is not scrollable, so even if it is there it is not accesable.

There used to be “ctrl+” commands to bypass all click-down options, so what is that cmd string to bypass the WISSYWHIG BS?


Which is your LO version?

The Status Bar item is near the top of the View menu. So, there is no need for scrolling.

Alternatively, click on the zoom ratio in the status bar and untick Book mode in the dialog which pops up.

Note that view on screen of Single page View, Multiple page View, or Book view does not affect export of the document to pdf, nor printing. It is merely a convenient way of viewing the document depending on its intended output.

Here is a graphical view of what you should do to return to single page view

Vrsion7.4.4.2 (x64)on my Win 11 laptop, but older & much more capable older LO versions on all my 5+ Linux boxes, but all downnow due to negotiation to get power at their location.

So far all you describe sofar is non existant on my LO, so we are are not at all talking about the same things in anyway shape or form!

I’d send you screenshots, if this interface on this site would take them but thissite only allows URLs not screenshots!

Fully thinking about this, let me share what I am thinking:
Since I write books & the most recent book required print formatting in the BROCHURE print mode, I enabled that. Now that is never supposed to ever affect anything in the actual Writing/Editing formatting, but it somehow seems to have overwritten something there. That is why I cannot figure this out because this is something that can, must & always be on something in the PRINT mode, which has also been aborted. After all, the Print pop-up screen, by law, must be RESPONSIVE, since 2014, & can NEVER EVER exceed 25% of the current window. This is also a problem with the FORMAT PARAGRAPH popup screen which now overfills the entire editing window, not allowing the simple reading of the RULE LINE to see where your paragraph indention settings need to be.

It greatly disturbs me that the MORE IS BETTER attitude among coders in totally ruining what used to be good workable programs that are now problematic, because of ignoring the basic concepts of ALL IT PROCESSING, which are:
1.) Never ever Assume anything,
2.) Neverever be ambiguous,
3.) If it’s not broken don’t Fix it.

My office power issues in my office is denying me use of my Kubuntu Linux computers, but I have older LO versions there, & do not remember any of these problems occurring there, which I have been using since 2005!


It is the 7 th icon from the left with tooltip Upload. See This is the guide - How to use the Ask site? - #3 by Hrbrgr

Or, you can drag a saved screenshot from your file manager directly on to an open comment, that is one that you’re currently editing.

BTW to see the menu if it isn’t visible, click on the icon with tooltip menubar to toggle visibility. If you’re using the tabbed interface, it is at the very left.

Note the system requirements at System Requirements | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft which specify a minimum screen resolution. Scaling the screen in the operating system may take the effective size of your screen below the minimum needed to display LibreOffice correctly.