Using on win10 - 32GB RAM - several writer files to be published as a book - page number field in the footer. 3rd file 53MB - page offset 313 worked. 4th file offset page # value of 106 footer displays 107 - at 107 displays is a blank space Need to offset at 411 so first page displays 412. The file is 23MB. Both documents use “default” page style - but they differ:
File 3:
11.0 inch + From top 0.07 inch, From bottom 0.5 inch + Header + Footer + No grid +Text
direction left-to-right (horizontal) + Page Description: Arabic, Portrait, Mirrored + Default Style +
Not register-true
File 4:
11.0 inch + From top 0.07 inch, From bottom 0.5 inch + Header + Footer + No grid +Text
direction left-to-right (horizontal) + None + Transparency: 0% + Page Description: Arabic, Portrait
Mirrored + Default Style + Not register-true
After so far finding no differences in Footer, Page Number, Field values I’m stumped. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Well except to use MS Word.